Passing on the Invaluable Gift of Literacy

English Language Acquisition for Adults TutorDefining Literacy

What is literacy? In my mind, it is being able to both give and receive thoughts and ideas in the process of interconnecting with the world around us. Other people are a very big part of that world, and I believe that reading, writing, listening, speaking, signing, and miming are all activities through which we can communicate thoughts and ideas with others, whether the language they speak at home every day is the same as ours or not.

English Language Acquisition for Adults

When I moved to Tucson three years ago, I was thrilled to find that an organization such as Literacy Connects existed, and I immediately signed on to volunteer as an English Language Acquisition for Adults (ELAA) tutor. I taught beginning English classes for adults two mornings a week for over two years and enjoyed it tremendously. More recently, I have been quite excited to be involved in establishing four-day-a–week intensive classes for English Language Acquisition for Adults students at Literacy Connects.

Determined Learners

Though many of them have faced, or are currently facing, major difficulties in their lives, English Language Acquisition for Adults students are always very attentive and immensely appreciative. I have already learned a great deal from them, both as a teacher and as a person, and I know I will always treasure these shared experiences.

Passing on the Invaluable Gift of Literacy

Anything of value takes time, and achieving literacy is something of great value, not merely for the individual involved, but for the entire community and society as a whole.  There will always be more we can do to help others travel this path, but I believe that the impact Literacy Connects is already making in our community is invaluable.